Established 1977

Resident/Owner volunteers who share a goal of a safe and friendly community.


Our mission is to create a friendly and secure community, with an eye to maintaining resident safety and home values.


  •  President - Ron Pridmore - 707-689-6435

  • Secretary - Sue Zavada - 541-973-4240

  • Treasurer - Bev Sterling - 541-299-0259

  • Records & Verification - Sharee Vail - 541-218-1818

  • Buildings & Grounds - OPEN - -


Second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October, MEETINGS start promptly at 6:30PM

CLUBHOUSE - Located at

700 Brookside Circle, Rogue River, Oregon


The Board is always looking for owners and residents that want to be more involved in the Brookside Village community.